Saturday, May 5, 2007

Adding to the family!

I am pleased to announce the arrival of my new baby. This weekend I'll be bringing home Tatiana, our 12-week-old Siberian kitten. This Russian forest breed doesn't trigger cat allergies in my family and we are all so excited! I was completely impressed when I found out that the breeder was feeding her Innova EVO canned food. That's what I'll keep her on for awhile, but ultimately I'd like her to eat raw, just like our family dogs.

When we opened our store, we focused primarily on dogs and had a small shelf with cat products tucked in the corner. We soon learned that there were a TON of cat owners in the neighborhood so we began to slowly add to the cat section. After four store "rearrangements" in two years, we've now increased the cat area tremendously. We carry a very wide variety of cat foods and have a great selection of toys and treats. Something tells me that by adding a cat to my household, we'll soon be devoting even more room to them.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitty!

Anonymous said...

I love your new kitty!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! So cute.

Anonymous said...

The cat is certainly adorable, but I would hate for everyone to run out and BUY a cat because they believed there is such a thing as a hypoallergenic cat... when there is not. Such cats produce LESS allergens, but are not allergen free. In fact 25% of people who purchase such cats end up having reactions to them... What people might want to do instead is visit with a variety of different shelter cats and see if they are able to tolerate any. Chances are they will be able to have a cat in their home, they just have to find the right one. You seem to be an ethically minded business and I would hope you would encourage saving one of the many thousands of cats from being euthanized instead of supporting breeders.

Deb & Tonya said...

Just a quick FYI to let you know that I spent four years visiting various shelters, looking for a cat that wouldn't send me wheezing to the hospital. I was completely unsuccessful. I had all but given up when I heard about the Siberian cats. While I've always rescued my animals, I felt like that was not a choice I could make in this instance. My choice was to not have a cat or find a reputable breeder for this breed. I spent hours visiting with both parents of the kitten and had no reaction.

While I certainly encourage others to seek out the adoption option, I don't judge people for making their own decisions. Rather, I focus my energy on supporting the rescue groups financially and otherwise.

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