Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Denver's Dog Police Are Trolling for Fines

Beware!!!! One of our customers received an $80 ticket from Denver's dog "police" today in Cesar Chavez park, across the street from our store. Because she didn't have her dog's city registration tag with her there is another $80 tacked onto her fine. The city is clearly out of money and scraping by by sending their non-furloughed employees out to stalk unsuspecting dog owners frolicking with their dogs at empty parks. Unless you've got money to burn (and contribute to Denver's coffers) you might want to stick with the designated dog parks. There is a great dog park at 46th and Sheridan - near our store. Not only is this completely fenced in and safe for your dog but you will have a great time meeting other like-minded, dog people! If you're tempting fate, consider purchasing one of Ruffwear's Quickdraw leashes. These velcro around your dog's collar and can be quickly released if the dog police jumps out from behind a bush. At less than $20, it will save you a considerable amount of money if you don't end up with a ticket!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Santa Claws is coming to town.... and stopping at Mouthfuls

Bring your dog(s) and kid(s) to Mouthfuls for a festive holiday photo with Mr. and Mrs. Claws. By popular demand, Bill and Carol will be making a return appearance as Mr. and Mrs. Claws on Saturday, December 5th between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Our talented photographer, Jason Horvath, will be joining us again to snap that perfect photo for your holiday cards and facebook postings. We're asking for a $15.00 donation for Misha May Foundation and a sign-up sheet is available in the store for photo appointments. We'll do our best to accommodate walk-ins but Santa prefers everyone to sign up in advance! If you won't be in the store until the 5th, just give us a call at (720)855-7505 and we'll put you on the schedule.

Each family will receive a doggie bag full of delicious samples and coupons after their photo op and we'll even have yummy goodies on-hand for our two-legged fans as well. Don't miss this one-time photo op with your favorite couple! We're all looking forward to a fun day with everyone that day!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One-day, pre-holiday sale at Mouthfuls!

Saturday, November 21st, Mouthfuls will be opening at 8 a.m. for a special pre-holiday sale! Shoppers will receive 20% off all holiday merchandise as well as all collars and leashes. This is a great opportunity to get a jump start on holiday gift shopping as well as replenish those stinky collars and leashes. Special store hours are 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and sale is on in-store purchases only, while supplies last. (special orders will not be discounted) This sale will not be repeated at any other time during the holiday season so be sure to stop in!