Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Denver's Dog Police Are Trolling for Fines

Beware!!!! One of our customers received an $80 ticket from Denver's dog "police" today in Cesar Chavez park, across the street from our store. Because she didn't have her dog's city registration tag with her there is another $80 tacked onto her fine. The city is clearly out of money and scraping by by sending their non-furloughed employees out to stalk unsuspecting dog owners frolicking with their dogs at empty parks. Unless you've got money to burn (and contribute to Denver's coffers) you might want to stick with the designated dog parks. There is a great dog park at 46th and Sheridan - near our store. Not only is this completely fenced in and safe for your dog but you will have a great time meeting other like-minded, dog people! If you're tempting fate, consider purchasing one of Ruffwear's Quickdraw leashes. These velcro around your dog's collar and can be quickly released if the dog police jumps out from behind a bush. At less than $20, it will save you a considerable amount of money if you don't end up with a ticket!

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